Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pemberton Festival

This weekend I'm going to the first Pemberton Festival. Ever.

It's being held at Pemberton in British Columbia, which is apparently 40 minutes north of Whistler.

There are dozens of bands playing there, a few of which are The Tragically Hip, Jay-Z, Nine Inch Nails and Coldplay. I have nothing against Coldplay but think it's strange that they are headlining. The festival starts on Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday night.

I totally understand that the organizers want to have a safe event and want to curb any violence and things like that, but the rules they've put in place seem a little strict. Bands will play from around 4PM to around 10:30PM each day. And alcohol sales stop at 10PM. Quiet time at the campsite is from 3AM to 7AM. What I don't understand is what do the organizers expect people to do after the bands have finished until 3AM?

Anyway, I'm going with three friends and we're all camping, Thursday through Sunday is a long camping trip for me. Four nights of being bloody uncomfortable, damp and possibly cold. Four nights of little or no sleep. Four nights of no creature comforts. Four nights of no computer. And last but not least, four nights of being away from my lovely wife and kids.

Pictures (and more) to follow.