Saturday, February 07, 2009

My attempt at starting my own business

Well, today was a big day in some ways.

For the last few weeks, apart from finishing the office (see earlier posts), I've been building a couple of simple websites and getting all my ducks in a row to launch my own consulting business.

The fist couple of things I had to do were to get some kind of logo, build some web site(s) and do a mail out of a brochure-type document.

Well, check, check and check.

Two web sites, one for Mac Support and one for PC Support and respectively.

If you are in my address book, you already got the mail out and brochure. If you got it, please consider helping out and distributing it to just one person - you can do more if you like though. Starting a business is hard. Especially with no income.

If you're not in my address book, or you are but didn't receive it, and you want the brochure, please comment on this post and I'll send it to you straight away.

Some would say that these economic times would make it even harder to start your own consulting business, but I think that this tough economic climate is actually going to help. The more businesses and small business that lay off their IT staff, the better it is for a consultant. Only time will tell I guess?

End of line.... For now.

Monday, February 02, 2009

End of office saga

So, it's finally done.

After almost three years elapsed time, thousands of dollars, hours and hours of work and even more hours of planning, it's finished.

It looks great. I'm all moved in, working from there right now, it's warm, but not too warm (thanks to the three Mac's) and is nice and quiet (apart from the aforementioned Mac's).

The creak in the floor is actually going away as the hardwood settles in. The chairs run nice and smoothly, the desks look and feel great and everything works.

Problem is, I've spent so much time planning and working on it, that I don't actually want to be in it now. Hmm. I'll get over that though.

Now, on with the next job. Actually, I'm going to wait until the summer to do that one, I have to reinforce the floors in the house, and it's cold down there right now.

Back to tech stuff.

End of line.