Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Cure

Went to see The Cure at GM Place in Vancouver last night.

This was the fifth time I'd seen them and was by far the worst of the five.

I've listened to The Cure for almost 30 years. My first album was The Head on the Door and I bought it in the 70's.

For me the Cure have always been a 5 piece band, and for this tour they are a 4 piece, maybe it's just me, but you can't remove an instrument from a band and expect no-one to notice, or expect to replace the sound with a guitar. They removed the keyboards (I'm not a huge fan of keyboards) and they tried to back fill some of the keyboard sound with a guitar, which just sounded trashy.

The guitarist Porl came out with a shaved and tattooed head (I don't believe the tattoos were real personally) and dressed in tight PVC with huge platform boots on that were purple and lit up. Didn't fit with The Cure's overall look at all.

The sound was lousy at time I couldn't hear the lyrics or Smith's guitar at all.

It was a lousy show in my opinion. Will I go and see them again? Sure, but I won't look forward to it nearly as much next time. They have a new album due out at the end of the year, but without keyboards, it might be good, but it won't be The Cure.

Sorry Cure fans everywhere, but you should have seen then ten years ago.

More soon.

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