Saturday, March 22, 2008

President again

At the last meeting of ApplesBC (the Vancouver Macintosh User Group), we had our AGM. At the AGM the existing Executive resigns and is either voted back in or new members are voted in in their place(s).

As President for the 2007 / 2008 season, I decided to resign as such and to volunteer for the position of Webmaster instead. But we already had a webmaster.

So today we had our first Executive meeting for this season. As past President, and since nobody else had volunteered for President, I had to attend. I had given a lot of thought to what I’d like to do for the club. I learned that I enjoy running the meetings and although I wanted input into the website I didn’t really want to be the guy that did all the work. So I had decided that as long as our current webmaster was willing to work with me and take direction from me, that I would return as President for the next year.

This morning at the meeting, I presented this thought and it was unanimously accepted amongst the Executive.

So I’m President again. Some would say I am a sucker for punishment and sometimes I would agree. But I really want to keep this club going and I felt that while nobody else volunteered for the Presidential position and given that I actually enjoy some of the duties of President and given that there are new Executive members that are going to take some of the load off me, I am happy with my decision and the decision of the Executive.

More later.

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