Monday, October 20, 2008

General stuff for today

My bad back is back - with a vengeance. It got worse again on Friday, this time only my right side, and continued on until on Sunday afternoon I was walking with a limp (limp what you might ask...?) and my right leg was going numb.

Got no sleep Sunday night, lots of drugs and came to work late. I'm trying to get in to see someone, massage, chiropractor, anyone to no avail. I'm seeing my Doctor this afternoon though. So we'll see what happens.

Now then, glasses. I finally found and ordered some new ones. Got them from Lens Crafters of all places. The LC in Metrotown has a huge selection. I went for top-of-the-line everything lenses-wise. Should have them in 2 weeks or sooner.

They also have a 30 day money-back guarantee in case I don't like them. They were 650 all told, but that's just what they cost.

We have house-guests this week. Rhylin's Mum and her friend are here for the birth of Mum's friend's grandchild. So home is busy.

Going out on Friday night. A friend of mine from work is leaving both the company and the city and is heading back to Trawna. So there is a huge group going out for drinks. Should be a fun and drunken night. Look out for hangover on Sat AM.

End of line.

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